Titanuim Sphere- gemstones
- Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Leo
- Planet: Uranus
- Element: Air
- Chakra: Crown, Third Eye
Titanium Aura Quartz is a crystal of vibrant energy and cosmic connection, created by bonding quartz with titanium for a dazzling iridescent sheen. It amplifies joy, vitality, and creativity, making it a perfect ally for those seeking inspiration or renewed energy. This crystal is also known for its ability to enhance intuition and spiritual insight, opening channels to higher realms and deepening meditation. With its protective and grounding properties, Titanium Aura Quartz shields against negativity, fostering confidence and a balanced state of mind.
Practical Ways to Use:
- Keep it in your workspace or creative area to inspire innovation and fresh ideas.
- Meditate with it to expand your intuition and connect with higher consciousness.
- Use it as an energetic shield to repel negativity and maintain balance.
- Carry it as a personal talisman to boost confidence and radiate positive energy.