Rainbow Quartz Pendulum


One of a kind Electroformed double end Pendulum in Rainbow Aura and Raw Clear Quartz. 

The larger crystal is Rainbow Aura Quartz, and the smaller end piece is Raw Clear Quartz.

Rainbow Aura Quartz activates and balances the seven major chakras and clears a pathway for Kundalini energy.

Rainbow Aura lends itself to clairvoyance and clairsentient uses, and once programmed can assist with developing aura or subtle body reading abilities.

Clear quartz is known to be the master healer and universal stone and works with the crown chakra. It is my favorite multi-purpose crystal and I personally use it to assist in opening, activating, and aligning chakras. It is considered a light bringer as pure as crystal clear glaciers. Clear Quartz comes to us with information from our higher self to assist in the process of one’s spiritual growth.This stone amplifies your intentions. It also cranks up the dial on any other stones or crystals you are working with. This silicon dioxide-rich stone is known for its ability to absorb, store, and regulate the release of energy. Exactly what you need to bring you back to a sense of balance.