Mugwort - Herbs



  • Planet: Moon
  • Crystals: Amethyst, Labradorite, Moonstone
  • Dieties: Artemis, Hecate, Selene
  • Astrological Signs: Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius
  • Element: Air
  • Chakras: Third Eye Chakra (intuition and visions), Crown Chakra (spiritual connection)

Description: Mugwort, also known as a "witch's herb," has been revered for its powerful ability to enhance dreams, intuition, and spiritual vision. Associated with the Moon, it embodies energies of prophecy, transformation, and psychic awareness, making it a favorite among those practicing divination or wishing to connect deeply with their subconscious. Spiritually, Mugwort is used for dream work, astral travel, and opening the Third Eye, providing protection during these spiritual journeys and aiding in the interpretation of visions. It is closely associated with deities like Artemis and Hecate, who are revered for their guidance through the mysteries of night and shadow work. Crystals such as Amethyst and Moonstone align with Mugwort's properties, enhancing intuition, deepening meditation, and strengthening spiritual practices. Astrologically, Mugwort resonates with Cancer, Pisces, and Aquarius, encouraging emotional exploration, spiritual depth, and a connection to higher consciousness. Medicinally, it has been used traditionally for digestive health, easing menstrual cramps, and promoting relaxation. Brewed as a tea, Mugwort offers a slightly bitter, earthy flavor that supports digestive wellness and calms the nervous system while providing spiritual clarity and promoting vivid dreams.

Ways to Use Mugwort: Mugwort can be used in several ways to take advantage of its magical and healing properties. Brew the leaves as a tea to support digestion, ease tension, and enhance intuition or drink it before bed to encourage lucid dreaming. Mugwort is highly effective for rituals involving divination and prophecy—burn it as incense to clear the mind before scrying or use it in dream pillows to promote vivid, meaningful dreams. It can be used in smoke cleansing to purify a space and prepare for spiritual work, or added to a ritual bath to enhance intuition and open the Third Eye Chakra. Mugwort is also an excellent herb for offerings to moon goddesses like Hecate or Artemis, invoking their blessings of protection and guidance through the unseen. The herb’s connection with the spirit realm makes it suitable for use in spells involving astral travel, spirit communication, and accessing hidden knowledge, allowing for a deeper understanding of one's spiritual path.

This herb is packaged in a home kitchen and is not inspected by the Department of
State Health Services or a local health department. 

Package contains 1/2 oz.  of herbs.